Christmas challenges

Hey everyone! Today’s post is a bit of different collab, it’s with the lovely Tasha so please go and check out her post as this was actually her idea and she is doing blogmas so please go show her posts some love! So Tasha and I set each other 3 different challenges under the same 3 categories: 1. DIY 2. Social 3. Beauty. I hope you enjoy this post showing you what Tash set me and what I did…

Check out what I set Tasha and what she did here

1. DIY: make a Christmas banner

img_4311I decided to not use a typical slogan but still keep it Christmas themed but of course, you can use whatever slogan or pictures you like.

img_4303So firstly I wrote out the outline for the words on paper and then went over them in colour after I was happy with sizing and everything. As you can see I started drawing tabs on them but then I decided to cut more space around the letters but it depends on how you want to hang them.

I then cut the words out and as I didn’t do them with tabs I made little tabs with leftover paper.

To make it more Christmassy I used red ribbon instead of string and then using the tabs just threaded on the words.


2. Social: make a small interview and ask 3 friends.

People I asked:




1. What is the main thing you are hoping to receive this Christmas?

Ellie: I know everything I’m getting for Christmas! But if I was to get anything else, I’d really love to get the too faced Christmas collection and I’d also love a MacBook but that’s never going to happen!

Oksana: The main thing I’m getting this Christmas and New Year is that I’m going to the UK in March. I have never been there and I’m so excited, haha 🙂

Anna: I would really like a new phone but I have mainly asked for makeup.

2. What is your favourite part is the Christmas dinner?

Ellie: my favourite part of a Christmas dinner is 110% the Yorkshire puddings.

Oksana: It might sound weird, but my favourite part of Christmas dinner is a salad. We usually cook lots of vegetable salads and I love them.

Anna: My favourite part is definitely the pigs in blankets.

3. Do you have any traditions you do on Christmas Eve?

Ellie: I don’t have any Christmas Eve traditions. I mainly just binge watch vlogmas and eat chocolate throughout the whole of December(especially when I finish school for Christmas)

Oksana: We celebrate Christmas on the 7th of January in my country and we often go to Christmas fair on the 6th of January and bake a gingerbread house with my mum 🙂

Anna:  I don’t really have any traditions but I normally watch a Christmas film and spend time with my family.

4. What is the best Christmas you can remember?

Ellie: my favourite Christmas I can remember was either last year or 3 years ago because they were both spent with all of my family and I can remember them being so exciting because I loved watching my younger cousins opening all their presents!

Oksana: I love every Christmas and New Year because they are all good. But I remember when I was 4, I wrote a wish-list where I wrote Santa that he can choose one of the toys I want to give me, and I received each of it. I was in shock and so happy and this is one of my favourite moments 🙂

Anna: Probably 2012

5. Do you believe in the religious story behind Christmas?

Ellie: personally I don’t believe in the religious story of Christmas because I’m not religious

Anna: no not really

6. Are you finished Christmas Shopping?

Ellie: I’m not going to lie, but I’ve not bought any Christmas presents yet, oops! On Monday I’m going to do all my Christmas shopping with one of my best friends though!

Oksana: Not yet. I still have to buy lots of presents and every year I tell myself to buy them earlier, and every year I buy presents at the last moment.

Anna: Almost but I just need to buy a few more presents.

7. What is your favourite Christmas song?

Ellie: I couldn’t pick just one! My favourites are all I want for Christmas is you, do they know it’s Christmas and mistletoe

Oksana: Shakin Stevens “Merry Christmas everyone”, it is so festive.

Anna: My all-time favourite is Merry Christmas Everyone by Shakin’ Stevens

3. Beauty: Paint your nails as Christmassy as you can

I’m not that good at nail art so this is a very simple Christmas nail look. I started using this max factor red nail varnish. Then I used this elf nail varnish which is like coloured glitters. I also added a little bit of this gold glitter nail varnish ( I have no idea where this is from haha).

Thank you for reading,

Ell xxx


3 thoughts on “Christmas challenges

  1. Pingback: 3 Challenges! – Simply Tasha

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